The Office of Safeguarding

The Office of Safeguarding has been established with significant resources and a powerful mandate to support Catholic communities in the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle in safeguarding all children and vulnerable adults involved in the life and ministry of our diocese. You can access a range of information and safeguarding material on the Office of Safeguarding website

Convention on the Rights of the Child

As with all peoples, children have human rights across the full spectrum of civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights. Because children are recognised as having particular inherent needs and dependencies, they also have particular rights. The Holy See ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child in November 1990, along with most of the other nations of the world, including the Commonwealth of Australia. The parishes of Singleton and Branxton support the particular rights and protections afforded children under the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The Catholic parishes of Singleton and Braxton are committed to the safety and welfare of children. We are committed to create a safe environment for the children in our parishes. We endorse the safeguarding commitment statement of the the diocese and adopt it. Click this link to read the Safeguarding Commitment Statement.

Other sites on Convention on the Rights of the Child

 UN High Commissioner for Human Rights,   UNICEF 30th Anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child

Children’s Resources

Resources for Primary Students

Resources for High School Students

Resources for Parents/Teachers/Carers

Resources for Vulnerable Persons

Give us your feedback

You can find the Office of Safeguarding feedback form HERE