Rite of Penance
God loves us as we are. God’s mercy is boundless. It is hard for us to believe this. We do not earn God’s love. It is not offered because we are worthy. God just loves us. And intrinsic to this boundless love is God’s equally boundless mercy and forgiveness.
All we have to do is ask, and it is given. And we begin again, re-directed and renewed in our commitment to Jesus as our way, our truth and our life. And so the Catholic Church has a Rite of Penance (or Reconciliation).
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered before each Mass. Please speak with the Priest and this can be arranged. The 2nd Rite of Reconciliation is offered in a communal liturgy during Lent and Advent to prepare for those seasons.
Children in the Sacramental Program will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time during the program.
Anointing of the Sick
We all know some story from the Gospels where Jesus heals someone who is ill or suffering. As Christians we believe that Jesus is with us in every human experience, including when we are ill, burdened or suffering in any way
Jesus stands with us, offering us love and peace, strength and healing. And so the Church has the Sacrament of Anointing the Sick.
An Anointing Mass is held at St Patrick’s Church on the 4th Friday of the Month. All are welcome to attend.
Anyone who wishes to be anointed in their home or hospital can contact the Parish Office or the Presbytery.